Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Things don't always go to plan...

Everyday, most people would go through the same routine: wake up, survive, go back to sleep.. repeat :)

However this constant action or behaviour we adapt is often interrupted by things such as going to school and receiving ridiculous amounts of homework which you will never use in the future, work, social gatherings or events, and accidents just to name a few. There is no doubt that we have all encountered at one point or another, its that things rarely actually go as planned. Unless you are a perfectionist and will go bonkers when things don't go your way... then again most people do complain when things don't go their way ;p
For instance, as a self taught artist I often look around my surroundings for inspiration to come up with my final piece, however lately i've been interested in portraits. Now finding a model to sketch is quite difficult, considering I take forever to finish a piece, I don't think that a model would be happy to be just sitting there posing for hours, thus why I am thankful for the internet to have provided me with a great number of sources. Such as this image of Fergie i found on google:

However, as much as i would like to draw exactly like the picture...

... In the end I'll always manage to find a way to change it...

For better or worst... 

I've come to learn that appreciating my achievements (so far) and pushing forward through the obstacles, does get you somewhere... even though you may not have planed it turn out that way. 

That being said it is important to overcome any frustrations, and just simply embrace it. Taking yourself too seriously is one of the biggest causes of burnout... the moment you will resent your work, yourself, and sometimes even life.

So while most of us put a lot of effort into each and every thing we put out in our day, we must remember that no one is perfect, that we all have our flaws and getting life right isn’t always easy... 
... and sometimes it’s just easier to be able to take a step back and to laugh at yourself!
REMEMBER: Negativity is contagious and will only serve to bring you down further. 

(This blog has been uploaded on iPhone)

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

Chapter 1

Beginning of the year I started this blog to share some of my insights about my ...well everyday life I suppose? It's almost April, and I haven't done anything to it, besides making it look pretty ;p

I don't know how bloggers do it, how they have the time to post what they like and or what they did for the day... As a university student and dedicated daughter helping out la parents with the Asian business, which I call "child slavery"... I find it quite difficult to sit back and relax, and have a little me time (my friends would agree).

I know that there are many lives out in the big unknown world who are much more unfortunate than me, so I shouldn't say that I'm unlucky to have been brought up in this particular lifestyle. In matter of fact.. I have food, water and shelter, every means of survival basics, which allows me to get by everyday, and also great support from friends and family, whom I love dearly! (I just find it funny how sometimes we take things for granted and are blinded by what we already have...)

But enough of my random jib-jab, I might want to post the whole meaning of life...when I feel like it :D

To end my first post to whom ever is reading this rubbish, I leave you with a doodling..sketch..drawing? of singer Stacy Ann Ferguson, better known by her stage name Fergie! Hope you folks enjoy my work, and have a marvelous week ahead! Cheers!

(P.S - please excuse any grammatical errors, I'm testing this post through my phone. Thanks)