Nearing towards the end of the semester I'm often bombarded with assignments, and tests... However I'm always put off by the idea of studying, hence the aftermath of an all-nighter, the zombie dreaded look the next morning *arghhh*
This might just be me as exams are nearing the corner too, but then again, I think most of us are like this during the final weeks of study hahah...
Turning to art, I find it much easier to escape my busy uni life, and sometimes my everyday activities...
This may seem like a bad thing, ok I know its a bad thing...but I do see some good out of it.
For starters, I've noticed that leaving my assignments to the last minute has allowed me to work harder and even better some might say, tho I haven't noticed any changes in my grades, it's still pretty high *smirks* and I haven't failed..yet.
Secondly, I get to draw. LOL
I've noticed a change in my artworks, as I'm always experimenting, and trying new forms of doing things which has greatly boosted my skills.
The only downfall to this is the lack of sleep I get, i often feel tired, hence my quietness at times, and zoning out during lectures and seminars. I've also noticed that I've been drinking more coffee ...
Don't know if that's a good thing or bad, but seriously the stuffs addictive...
But back to the point, here are the artworks i managed to briefly work on during the past week.
Gundam Line Art