Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Updates and Quick Sketch

Trying my best to keep up with blogging. 

Last night I was officially accepted to study abroad to Hong Kong (although I was accepted a while ago), I will be attending The University of Hong Kong and I will be staying there for about a semester.

Hence the reason why I started this blog page, it was just to note some of the encounters and activities that I will be experiencing overseas, just like a personal diary, so apologies in advance if things don't make sense from time to time. 

And most of all to let my friends and family know that I am doing okay!


During my pre-depature meeting I was able to meet new students (who will also be traveling to HK) and gained loads of information about my studies and accommodation there. Although I'm still questioning where I should live for the coming months, because the university actually provides many students a range of accommodations, from Halls to College Dorms. I'm quite lazy at times, so i've been thinking of something on campus, something walking distance LOL

However prior to the meeting, there was a student strike going on at my university, so barely anyone attended class, thus I had plenty of time to kill (the meeting was at 6.30pm-8pm)

I should have gotten some research done or started on my essay (which is due in a few days time) but instead I decided to draw. tsk tsk*

I don't know if you can see it or not... just some quick line work before colours

tho I had to leave it for my meeting...

after arriving home, I wanted to add more details...

but I got lazy colouring the next 5 mins, so I just left it as it was, still looks good right.. haha

To see more pictures, check out my Instagram: @thatsmag

Thats all for now... 

till my departure, then i'll bombard this blog page more often with HK things.