Sunday, 9 June 2013

Ready for Hong Kong

After much delay, I have finally managed to book my tickets. The only reason it took so long was that there wasn't any return flights back to Melbourne. 
My parents, being who they are, was worried that I would've rebelled and stayed in HK.

Yes, ... it's silly, I know. 

But I love home too much to ever leave haha,
so they do not need to worry about a thing :)

Even though I won't be leaving till a few months time, 
I can't help to stop and think what would everyday life be like in HK - 
the food, the people, the culture, expenses, travel, occasional study here and then, 
...and lastly SHOPPING!!

All in time, I guess, the experience will be exciting, both the good and the bad will make up of my travels and time being as an exchange student :)